The ASPO is an organisation for and by social psychological researchers.
The aim of this association is to stimulate empirical research with relevance for theory formation in the field of social psychology and to disseminate the knowledge thereof. This includes collecting and disseminating knowledge in the field of social psychology, giving direction to its development and strengthening the mutual contacts between social psychologists.
The main activities of the ASPO are
- the organisation of an annual congress where social psychologists can meet, inspire and learn from each other (Aspo conference);
- the organisation of an annual event presenting social psychological insights to a wide audience (The Social Animal);
- the support of meetings relevant to social psychology at the initiative of our members. In addition, a few times a year members receive a digital newsletter to keep them informed of developments in Dutch social psychology, and up-to-date information is distributed to members by means of a mailing list.
By joining ASPO, you become a supporter of ASPO. You will also receive a newsletter and you get access to symposia which are organised by ASPO. The ASPO membership is valid for one year and runs from january 1st to december 31st.
To become ASPO member one should send an email to Manja Alsema ( expressing the wish to become ASPO member. From this email it should become clear at which university one is affiliated and that one is able to do independent social psychological research. If not affiliated at a university, it should be indicated where one graduated.
The ASPO board consists of the following persons:
- Tila Pronk (Tilburg University) – chair
- Hedy Greidanus (University of Groningen) – treasurer
- Reine van der Wal (Utrecht University) – secretaris
- Bastiaan Rutjens (University of Amsterdam)
- Marlon Nieuwenhuis (University of Twente)
- Daniel Balliet (Free University Amsterdam)
- Gijs Bijlstra (Radboud University)
- Niels van Doesum (Leiden University)
- Jurriaan ten Koppelen (Wageningen University and Research) – PhD vertegenwoordiger